PC Black Label Quebec Blueberry Blossom Honey | PC.ca
PC Black Label Quebec Blueberry Blossom Honey

PC Black Label Quebec Blueberry Blossom Honey

375 g

A floral and fruity amber honey sourced from Quebec, where the bees pollinate flowers of the wild blueberries from Lac Saint-Jean. It’s a full-bodied unpasteurized honey that is complex in flavour, thanks to its slightly spicy end note. A buzzing Canadian treat ready to be drizzled or spread!

    Ingredients: blueberry blossom honey.

    • % Daily Value*

    • 0%

    • 0%

    • 16%

    • 0%

    • 1%

    • 0%

    • 1%

    PC Black Label Quebec Blueberry Blossom Honey
    A floral and fruity amber honey sourced from Quebec, where the bees pollinate flowers of the wild blueberries from Lac Saint-Jean. It’s a full-bodied unpasteurized honey that is complex in flavour, thanks to its slightly spicy end note. A buzzing Canadian treat ready to be drizzled or spread!

      Ingredients: blueberry blossom honey.

      • % Daily Value*

      • 0%

      • 0%

      • 16%

      • 0%

      • 1%

      • 0%

      • 1%

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